Technical Writing course, now Free!

Technical Writing course, now Free!

I previously announced that on January 31, 2023 my course on Skillshare has been closed. I subsequently requested Skillshare to delete my course from their site to which they complied. To know why I left Skillshare and if you are a creator considering Udemy,...
Now, every reason to get Help + Manual

Now, every reason to get Help + Manual

It’s been 25 years and if there is one product that has stormed the Adobe Technical Communication Suite bastion like no other, it is Help + Manual from EC Software. Adobe’s product Robohelp (now revived after an almost brush with death) used to be the...

An important update about future courses

Come November and It is going to be a year since I offered my course on Skillshare and I currently have 44 students (one deleted recently and more on that later) but it has not been a profitable move to Skillshare, though initially I had hoped for much better results....

A Technical Writer’s most important requirement

The most important question that I get asked by wannabe Technical Writers, “To write about a product or application, shouldn’t I know the product or application well enough?”. True, you do but you aren’t expected to know about it right away....